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Please take the time to read through this agreement, so that you can understand how we will work together.

Agreed guidelines are necessary for me to provide the best possible service.
If you have any questions, then please feel free to ask.

Payment and Cancellation
Payment: I ask you to please pay for your initial consultation and treatment session as soon as we have agreed on a date and time, in order to confirm your booking. When we have decided on a suitable follow-up course of treatment for you, then the full amount is paid upfront as soon as we have agreed on the date and time of your first session. All treatment fees are paid by bank transfer and are non-refundable. If you have any difficulties with this, please let me know, so that we can agree on a suitable alternative.
Appointment timing and duration: It is important that we stick to our agreed appointment time and duration. I appreciate that sometimes, things happen and you may arrive a little later or need to leave a bit earlier than planned. This is fine, but I cannot make up the missed time by overrunning or adding time to subsequent appointments.
Cancellation Policy – 48 hours: I ask that you please respect the 48-hour cancellation policy, so that I can give you and all my clients the best possible service. If you need to cancel your appointment at short notice, because of a long-term medical condition which varies from day to day, then we shall discuss the cost implications on a case by case basis.
This means that you need to give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to cancel your appointment. Please cancel as soon as possible if a foreseeable event is likely to prevent you from attending, for example, illness or adverse weather conditions.
If you are simply cancelling and do not wish to reschedule your appointment, you will be charged the full treatment fee.
If you wish to reschedule within 48 hours (later than 2 days before your appointment date) and let me know before the day itself, you will be charged only a £20 rebooking fee. This must be paid by bank transfer to confirm your new booking.
If you ask to reschedule on the day of your appointment or cannot attend, you will be charged the full treatment fee. This is because I will not be able to fill your appointment slot and still need to cover my costs.

Client Health
Disclosure of medical conditions: you will be asked to complete a confidential consultation form, at your first appointment. Please take the time to complete this thoroughly and tell me about any medical conditions, undiagnosed symptoms, medical treatment and medication.
I need this information in order to give you safe, effective treatment. If you do not tell me something of importance, I may give you unsuitable treatment, for which I cannot be held responsible.
Consultation with your GP: If you have certain medical conditions, you or I may need to consult your GP before we proceed with treatment. I shall either write to your GP or ask you to speak to them yourself. This is to keep you safe and I will always seek your consent first.
If you are not happy to involve your GP, then I may not be able to proceed or continue with your treatment. If you tell me that you have involved your GP when you have not, then this is at your own risk.
Illness and serious conditions: there are some circumstances when it is not safe to proceed with treatment, either for your protection or mine. Examples include a suspected blood clot, severe headache, high temperature, heavy cold, flu’ or an upset stomach.
If you feel unwell before an upcoming appointment, please let me know as soon as possible, so that we can discuss what will be best for you.
Skin conditions and infections: I may not be able to treat specific areas of your body, if I think that doing so poses a risk for you or me. Examples include open wounds and skin infections.
Clients with disabilities: If you have any disabilities or support needs, please discuss these with me as soon as possible. This will enable me to make provision for you, or to refer you to another expert practitioner, if I am unable to meet your needs.
I may ask you to make certain provision yourself, such as bringing a companion with you if you need support with personal care or communication.
If you do not let me know about your support needs in advance of your treatment, I may not be able to provide for you. I would need to charge you the full treatment fee, to cover my costs.
Referrals to other practitioners: if I think you need medical investigation or treatment which I cannot offer, then I shall refer you to another medical or complementary health practitioner, as appropriate. I shall be unable to treat you if I think that it is in any way unsafe for me to do so.
Referrals from a Medical Practitioner: if you are referred to me by your GP or another practitioner, then the referring practitioner will remain responsible for your treatment. If I am concerned that my treatment may not be safe for you, I may need to speak to the referring practitioner first. If I am still unsure whether my treatment is appropriate for you, then I cannot accept your referral.
Intoxication: please ensure that you are not under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs at the time of your treatment. If you are, then I shall be unable to treat you, both for your protection and mine.

Confidentiality and Disclosure: all information which you give me is kept strictly confidential. Anything we discuss during your sessions stays within the four walls of my clinic room. All written notes are stored and can only be accessed by me.
There are exceptional circumstances when I may need to disclose something which you have told me. This would be if there was any risk of harm to you or someone else, or if I should need to provide legal evidence.
I shall always seek your consent and cooperation first. I may be able to avoid disclosure by encouraging you to seek further help or advice. If I cannot gain your consent, but remain seriously concerned for your safety or someone else’s, then I may have to disclose the information to an appropriate professional without your consent.
Third party attendance: Our treatment sessions will run more smoothly and will be of greater benefit to you if we have just you and me in the room. If you need to bring someone else with you, please discuss this with me first. If you need to bring your children, then please have a family member or friend with you to supervise them in the waiting room. You will not get the most from your treatment if you have to supervise children or comfort a baby at the same time!

Vulnerable Clients
Children under 16 years: children are welcome to receive treatment, but must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times during the treatment.
Vulnerable adults: Adult clients who either lack the capacity to give informed consent, or who need support to make decisions, must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times during the treatment.

General Conduct
Personal Hygiene: Please take a bath/shower before your treatment, wear clean clothes and refrain from using strong fragrances, which can be difficult to remove from the treatment room and linens.
Respect: it is important that we have mutual consideration and respect for each other. This creates a nurturing and safe space.
Please note that I offer a professional massage therapy service and cannot accede to inappropriate requests.
If a client’s behaviour were to cause discomfort or offence, then we would have to discontinue treatment.

General: For hygiene reasons and to cause minimal disruption, I ask you to please leave your pets at home.
(Last updated: November, 2021).