The Functional Reflex Therapy Approach delivers a structured relaxation routine. The therapy works with the Reflexology principle that pressure points in the feet, lower leg, hand and forearm relate to corresponding body parts, organs and functions. Applying skilful positive touch to specifically identified areas may encourage changes to occur within and throughout the body.
The primary intention of using the Functional Reflex Therapy approach is to offer a different experience and to allow the body to relax.
Why is relaxation so important?
It’s a scientific fact that the nervous system and endocrine system are influenced by states of long term stress, anxiety, anger and tension. Also the receptiveness of individuals to learning situations and to some demands placed upon them may be restricted or hindered when such states manifest themselves in the body; states that are often associated with many people with Autism, Autism Spectrum disorders, learning difficulties and complex needs.
Positive touch and sensory stimuli can have the effect to encourage the pituitary gland to released natural Oxytocin into the blood stream. It is suggested by scientists that this hormone and the many happy hormones that may be released may reduce the sense of anxiety and increase overall calm.
Fun, interactive and informative workshops for parents, carers, grandparents to learn the Functional Reflex Therapy Rainbow Routine. This can help support those with additional/complex needs. You can learn this structured, fun routine in 2 x 3 hour workshops.
Interested? Send me an email at outlining your needs and I will send you more information on current workshops.
To read more about how Functional Reflex Therapy can help and the amazing work of Lorraine Senior follow this link.
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